Precision CNC laser cutting in action

Laser Cutters


Outdated, inefficient equipment is holding you back.

Gain control of the future with our cutting-edge laser cutters. Revolutionise your manufacturing process and surge ahead of the competition.

Don’t get left behind - discover a new world of precision and efficiency. Click the button now to access our exclusive price guide and brochure, showcasing the latest advanced fiber laser cutting technology available for sale in Australia.

Benefits of Laser Cutters for Your Business

Laser cutters are revolutionising precision in manufacturing, setting a new standard for speed, accuracy, and adaptability. This advanced method uses a focused beam of light to effortlessly cut through various materials, from metals to composites, ensuring precise and detailed finishes.

Fiber laser offers remarkable efficiency and precision, ensuring flawless edges on materials like stainless steel and aluminium. These machines empower innovative manufacturers to outpace their competition. By harnessing  laser cutting machines, businesses can significantly boost their competitive edge and deliver superior-quality products faster and more efficiently than ever.

The functionality of fiber laser cutters

Fiber laser cutter machines offer unmatched precision in metal fabrication, enabling fine cuts and intricate designs with minimal kerf width.

This technology cuts complex patterns accurately, reducing secondary finishing needs and preserving material integrity, streamlining manufacturing with precise outcomes.

Boost productivity with laser machines

Laser cutting machines utilise the speed and efficiency of fiber lasers to surpass traditional cutting methods, delivering rapid and high-quality cuts.

This technology increases throughput and reduces lead times, ensuring swift project completion without compromising precision. It is an essential tool for boosting productivity.

Laser cutters for diverse applications

Laser machines offer remarkable versatility, processing various materials from metals to plastics and composites with precision.

This adaptability enables businesses to broaden their services, meeting diverse needs with a single, versatile solution, thus expanding manufacturing possibilities and market reach.

Laser cutting machine cost

Curious about the price of a CNC laser cutting machine and its benefits for your operation? Laser cutters are energy-efficient, require fewer consumables, and require minimal maintenance, equating to a rapid ROI.

Examine the opportunity—click to access our price guide for insights.

Water Jet Machines

Laser cutting machines


Transform Your Operation with a Laser Cutter

Navigating the challenges of modern manufacturing

Every component you manufacture carries the weight of your reputation for precision, efficiency, and reliability. Yet, when faced with inadequate or faltering machinery, your entire production line and promises to your client may be compromised. This is where a fiber laser comes in, offering unmatched accuracy and consistency in areas such as steel laser cutting.

Whether you are in the demanding field of automotive manufacturing, playing a critical role in aerospace engineering, or scaling up your custom metal fabrication business, investing in a fibre laser cutter machine  could be a strong path to  success.

In industries where the margin for error is slim, and the demand for precision is as high, second-rate solutions can severely undermine your operations. For specialists in the electronics sector - where precision is non-negotiable, through to those in construction - where robustness and reliability are paramount, a fiber laser becomes the lifeline of your business.

When downtime can erode customer confidence, diminish product quality, and halt business growth, opting for subpar laser-cutting technology is a risky bet with significant consequences. In a fast-paced industry where efficiency is critical, each cut is crucial, and uninterrupted production is the norm, the need to maintain peak performance with a fibre laser cutting machine is unyielding.

A worker maintaining a CNC machine
A lone worker in an industrial setting
The domino effect of inaction

Overlooking the warning signs of insufficient or inefficient manufacturing capabilities is akin to ignoring a ticking time bomb in your production process. It's not a question of if but when the headaches will happen. Operational delays are just the tip of the iceberg; the ripple effects extend far beyond the shop floor.

For the ambitious manufacturer, any downtime can lead to a cascade of setbacks: missed opportunities, cost overruns, and strained customer relations. In sectors like defence, where precision and timing are closely scrutinised, the consequences of unreliable equipment can lead to severe penalties and reputational damage. In advanced fields such as medical device production, where the accuracy of cuts can directly affect product efficacy, the cost of failure is high.

Inaction is not just a missed step; it's a domino that can derail your journey towards industry leadership and operational excellence.

The machinery failures that stall your production are more than mere interruptions - they are barriers to the aspirations you've set for your enterprise.

Heavy CTA here

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Performatec's Laser-focused approach to customer service

Premium laser cutting machines

Performatec presents an exceptional lineup of CNC laser cutting machines engineered for the demanding world of precision manufacturing. From delicate electronic components to heavy-duty construction steel, our range of machines is designed with the power, accuracy, and reliability to meet and exceed the diverse requirements of your specialised cutting tasks.

With Performatec's industrial laser solutions, you can expect pinpoint accuracy, speed, and adaptability to drive uninterrupted productivity and exceed your expectations.

The Performatec service promise

Our commitment extends beyond the sale of a machine; we are invested in your continued success. Performatec's approach ensures that you have a partner at every step of the way, from initial consultation and installation of laser cutters in Australia, to post-purchase support.

Our sales team is ready to assist you in selecting the perfect machine to fit your unique needs. In the event of any operational challenges, our maintenance team is poised to minimise downtime. Plus, with our enduring after-sales support, you can rest assured that your investment is secure.

With Performatec, you gain more than a cutting-edge laser cutter - you gain a partnership with a team that is as committed to precision and excellence as you are.

Many High-speed Baykal laser cutters sold by Performatec

Performatec: the laser cutter solution

An Efficient and accurate laser cutting head cutting metal

From the cutting-edge technology of our laser cutting machines to our unmatched customer service and after-sales support, this section aims to address your queries, highlighting the advantages and unique value that sets Performatec apart in the industry.

Whether you're curious about our product range, technological innovations, or how we can help enhance your manufacturing capabilities, you'll find insightful answers that demonstrate why Performatec is the preferred partner for businesses looking to elevate their operations.

What drives Performatec's selection of Baykal laser cutting systems for precision and endurance?

Performatec's choice to focus on supplying the Baykal range of laser cutters for sale is underpinned by our single-minded principle of providing world-class, high-quality machinery - backed by our extraordinary local support and service.

Since 1995, Baykal has consistently adhered to stringent European standards for machine tool manufacturing, becoming the first Turkish manufacturer to earn the prestigious CE Mark certification. This certification assures customers that Baykal machines meet the highest safety and performance standards.

Baykal further distinguishes itself by incorporating reliable, high-performance components like high-torque BECKHOFF servo motors into their laser cutters. This commitment to quality ensures that Baykal machines deliver unrivalled efficiency, precision, and durability, setting them apart from many alternatives that use less reliable components.

How does Performatec enhance efficiency and minimise production downtime?

For us, efficiency is not just an outcome - it's a guiding principle. We ensure minimal downtime through a holistic approach, including preventative maintenance, swift repair services, and a comprehensive spare parts inventory.

Education is critical; we empower your workforce with the knowledge to operate our range of Baykal laser machines with maximum efficiency and to preempt potential issues, thus ensuring a continuous and productive operation.

How comprehensive is Performatec's after-sales support?

Our after-sales service is a cornerstone of the Performatec experience. Our wide-spanning network of on-the-ground technicians in every state offers extensive on-site support, including maintenance, repairs, and upgrades.

Our remote diagnostics provide immediate assistance, ensuring rapid solutions and reduced downtime. Clients benefit from access to online support and educational programs that deepen their understanding and proficiency in laser-cutting technologies.

How does Performatec customise its laser solutions?

Our approach to industry-specific demands is bespoke and consultative. We recognise the distinct requirements of various sectors and tailor our laser solutions accordingly.

Working closely with your team, we configure machines with the appropriate laser heads, power options, and software that align with your particular manufacturing tasks, whether for finely detailed electronic components or robust metal structures. Our depth of industry insight guarantees that your Performatec solution perfectly fits your operational ecosystem.

The fiber laser to fit your Manufacturing needs

Speak to a Performatec fiber laser specialist about your unique industrial cutting needs and get great advice by clicking the button below.

Laser cutters Australia

comparison table

To make your research process a little easier, we've provided a simple table to compare the laser models we supply and support in Australia.

Fiber Laser Comparison Chart
Performatec's Baykal laser cutting system for professional use
An example of a laser cutter for heavy-duty manufacturing
View BLE model
1.524 m x 3.048 m
2.032 m x 4.064 m
2.032 m x 6.096 m
2 m x 4 m | 2 m x 6 m (up to 3 m x 15 m)
2kW to 6kW
6 kW to 20 kW
Precitech LightCutter (Auto focus)
Precitech ProCutter
Precitech ProCutter
ProCutter Zoom 2.0
150 mm
150 mm
Beckhoff CNC (18.5 "TFT-Windows 10)
95 m/min
115 m/min
115 m/min
135 m/min
145 m/min
145 m/min
1.5 G (15 m/s2)
1.8 G (18 m/s2)
1.521.8 G (18 m/s2)
±0.03 mm
±0.05 mm
Programmable up to 50 m/min
1250 kg per
2500 kg per
3500 kg per
2500 kg for 2 m x4 m | 3500 kg for 2 m x 6 m
LANTEK Expert Cut II or Metalix AutoNest PRO
WITTENSTEIN (Rack & Pionion)  | BOSCH REXROTH (Linear Motion)
Beckhoff (Rot. Servo)
Beckhoff (Lin. Servo)
115 m/min
150 m/min
165 m/min
215 m/min
2.2G (22 m/s2)
3.0 G (30 m/S2)
± 0.02 mm
± 0.01 mm
± 0.02 mm
± 0.01 mm
Up to 100 m/min
Up to 125 m/min
feed rate
Nozzle Clean/calib.:
Nesting software:
Fume Extractor / Bevel cutting head:
BLS Motion System:

Common Lazer cutter FAQs

Find answers to common questions about industrial laser technology, maintenance, and operational costs.

How does a laser cutter work?

A laser cutter (in this case specifically a fiber laser) is an advanced machine that uses a high-intensity laser beam generated by a fiber laser resonator to cut various materials precisely. The resonator contains a rare-earth element, usually ytterbium, embedded in a fiber optic cable, resulting in a compact, efficient, high-powered laser source.

The laser beam is transmitted through the fiber optic cable to the cutting head, which focuses the beam onto the material surface. The focused beam has a high power density, enabling it to melt or vaporise the material along the cutting path. Fiber lasers maintain a small focused spot size over a longer distance, allowing for precise cutting of thicker materials, faster cutting speeds, and a smaller heat-affected zone (HAZ).

Guided by a CNC system, laser cutting machines such as our Baykal range can produce intricate shapes with exceptional accuracy and repeatability. Laser cutters offer high energy efficiency, lower maintenance, and longer operational lifetimes than other laser-cutting technologies.

What are the primary advantages of using fiber lazer cutting technology?

Laser-cutting technology offers numerous advantages, including precision, speed, and flexibility. It allows for highly accurate cuts and quick processing times and can handle a variety of materials and thicknesses. Additionally, laser cutting often requires no or minimal finishing due to the quality of the cut, saving time and resources and speeding up the return on your investment

What's the difference between CO2 lasers and fibre lasers?

CO2 lasers are gas lasers that use a carbon dioxide gas mixture to produce a laser beam and are typically used for cutting, engraving, and etching a wide range of materials.

Fibre lasers use a solid-state setup with a fibre optic cable. They are generally more energy-efficient, require less maintenance, and are better for cutting reflective metal materials than CO2 lasers.

Are laser cutting machines environmentally friendly?

Laser cutting is more environmentally friendly than traditional mechanical cutting methods. It produces less waste, as the laser can cut very precisely, reducing excess scrap. The process also eliminates the need for specific consumables and chemicals used in other cutting technologies.

What is the maximum material thickness a laser cutter can handle?

The material thickness that laser cutters can handle varies depending on the laser's power and the material being cut. Generally, higher-powered lasers can cut through thicker materials. For instance, Baykal's BLS - 20kW cutting head can cut through mild and stainless steel up to 40mm thick!

How does laser cutting compare to plasma cutting?

Laser cutting provides more precision and can cut finer details than plasma cutting. It's suitable for thinner materials and intricate patterns. Plasma cutting, while faster on thicker materials, can't match the laser's accuracy and leaves a wider kerf with a problematic heat-affected zone.

What are the safety considerations with CNC laser cutting machines?

Safety is paramount when laser cutting. A laser specialist should train operators on safety practices, including using protective eyewear, proper machine operation, and awareness of the potential for burns and fire.

Laser-cutting machines should also have protective housings and safety interlocks to prevent exposure to the laser beam. The Baykal range is designed with safety at the top of mind and includes those elements as standard.

How do I choose a suitable laser cutter for my business?

Choosing a suitable laser cutter is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your operations. It involves considering various factors, such as the types of materials you plan to cut, their thickness and size, the complexity of the cuts, and your production volume.

When it comes to selecting a laser cutter, the role of a reliable service and support partner cannot be overstated. This is where a Performatec consultant steps in. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they can guide you through the process, helping you evaluate your work area, production volumes, and specific requirements. Their expertise ensures that you make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and goals

Industries served
laser cutter operating in a steel fabrication workshop
Steel fabrication
Precision laser cutting machine for the defence industry
Laser cutters ready for use in construction industry
High-tech laser cutter equipment in an Australian aerospace business
mining industry scene where laser cutting machines are used
A scene from the heavy transport industry
Heavy transport
Agricultural machines in a feild
Laser cutting machinery being used in the shipbuilding industry
Still have questions?

Whether you're just browsing or have a specific problem to solve, it's likely you've a bunch of questions to ask. Feel free to reach out any time to speak with one of our fibre laser specialists. Click the button to get in contact.

Meet our Laser specialists

Meet our skilled team of fiber laser cutting machine technicians and technical sales experts, committed to providing outstanding solutions in every project.

CNC Laser Specialist
General Manager & CNC Specialist
image of a CNC laser sales person
CNC Specialist
Portrait of a CNC specialist at Performatec
CNC Specialist